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CTSi drew our attention to the Volunteer Friendly award. This definitely something we intend to work towards attaining early next year (its December already..!!)……

From the Volunteer Friendly website….

The Volunteer Friendly Award is a simple, user-friendly quality standard designed by Volunteer Centre Dundee to support, recognise and reward groups who are good at involving volunteers. Many essential services in Scotland’s communities are enhanced by volunteers. Volunteering also has a significant social value as it is increasingly being used to give excluded individuals the chance to build their confidence and skills through helping others.

It has never been more important for groups to be able to show how good they are at involving and managing their volunteers.

Volunteer Friendly helps you to take a systematic look at what you do and how you do it.  It offers a flexible approach which allows your group to work at its own pace, with full support from your local Volunteer Centre. It is based on the national standard Investing in Volunteers (IiV) but is designed for small organisations which may not be ready to undertake IiV yet, or which may be looking for a stepping stone towards IiV.